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Food  at the heart of naturopathy, the roots of natural health


As Hippocrates already said "may food be your first medicine"


- Naturopathy focuses on the quality of foods and their associations. We can eat organic and not eat balanced.


- It recommends a healthy diet according to the seasons while respecting nature and the environment,   listening to their body and their needs.


- Everyone has different needs. "Because everyone is different, there can be no SINGLE diet"

Which explains their many failures.

General nutritional recommendations for a positive effect on autoimmune diseases :

Reduce inflammation

Regulate the immune system

Balance the intestinal flora

Course of a session :

After an analysis of your eating habits, I would endeavor to offer you an adapted nutrition plan.  to your needs and your way of life (chrono-nutrition, micro-nutrition, anti-diabetes nutrition, ...), together we will put in place new eating habits which will very quickly become part of your daily life and will not lead to no frustration, in order to promote your weight loss or gain.

The nutrition plan is included in the vital hygiene assessment in Naturopathy.








Fruits et légumes,des amis pour la santé.
Bonne alimentation, atout santé
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